As part of the "Made in Italy" plan and in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development drawn up by the UN, the ICE - Agency for the promotion abroad and internationalization of Italian companies, is starting a process of corporate sustainability training.
The project is divided into a classroom phase of 5 teaching modules delivered in executive and blended mode: two face to face (in the classroom) and three online modules.
The topics will focus on the following topics "Innovability Scenarios, Sustainable Packaging, Ethical / Sustainable Balance, Green Marketing and the Sustainable Value Chain".
At the end of the classroom phase, a subsequent personalized coaching phase will follow
(intended for 10 selected companies).
The dates of the training course are as follows:
11.11.22 (in attendance - Rome)
12.11.22 (online)
11.18.22 (online)
11.19.22 (online)
11.25.22 (in attendance - Rome)
For further details, please refer to the information Circular.
The deadline for registration is October 24th, 2022.