
Use of third-party content on products and in advertising - June 21st, 2023

We receive and are pleased to share this news from Federorafi: By now, the use of contents owned by third parties has become something common in the creative fashion industry: the use of patterns that reproduce paintings and author's works, famous monuments, protagonists of campaigns, have become messages of a certain value advertising, phrases and slogans that have become famous, inserted in the fashion collections. However, is it possible to exploit such contents freely? What should be taken into consideration when you want to create a product or commercial communication that is inspired by something that has been created by and/or owned by others? These will be the topics discussed during the next event, organized by the Legal Affairs Area of ??Confindustria Moda, together with the lawyers Gianluca De Cristofaro, Miriam Loro Piana and Matteo di Lernia of the LCA law firm and which will be held on the 21st next June, at 3.00 pm. The program is below: Locadina_webinar_21_June_ArcFED The event will be an opportunity to discuss together and discuss issues related to the exploitation of third-party intellectual property rights. The seminar will be held in the form of a webinar. To register (free and reserved for FEDERORAFI member companies) write an e-mail to: indicating: Name, Surname, company, e-mail. It will also be possible to anticipate any questions, always addressing them to the aforementioned e-mail.