
Swipemag May 2023

Here comes the fifth edition of our digital magazine: Swipemag. This year the videos of the Tarì companies were filmed in the prestigious setting of the Oplontis archaeological site. Will you come to Open from May 5th to 8th? Visit Ornamenta! An exceptional journey through the history of jewellery. For the first time the Tarì, on the occasion of Open, will host the temporary exhibition "Ornamenta: the jewels of Campania from Pompeii to the contemporary.". The beauties of the jewels of Pompeii will be exhibited in the hall of the Tarì to give life to a journey through the jewels of the Pompeian age: necklaces, gems, brooches, earrings, rings, bracelets in gold, silver, bronze found in Pompeii and in other sites archaeological Vesuvius, will give visitors the opportunity to explore the relationship between the mastery of workmanship, the fashion of antiquity and the great stylistic relevance of these jewels. With the scientific collaboration of the Ministry of Culture - Pompeii - Archaeological Park Swipemag e la mostra "Ornamenta i gioielli della Campania da Pompei alla contemporaneità" sono parte di un prestigioso progetto condiviso con il Pompeii - Parco Archeologico che ringraziamo. Swipemag and the exhibition "Ornamenta the jewels of Campania from Pompeii to the contemporary" are part of a prestigious project shared with the Pompeii - Archaeological Park which we thank. 

Swipemag and the exhibition "Ornamenta the jewels of Campania from Pompeii to the contemporary" are part of a prestigious project shared with the Pompeii - Archaeological Park which we thank.