
Discover the new TBA!


Tarì Business Academy is born the network of skills to give strength to the talent of ideas The first Call 4 Ideas of the Tarì Business Academy, the innovative HUB of the Tarì dedicated to innovation and opportunities for young talents, The inspiration for this true outpost of the skills of the future comes from the rapid evolution of the labor market, and from the growing demand for new professionals, able to support the strength of the artisan manufacturing companies, the strong point of the country's economy and mainly Campania. The Tarì is therefore preparing to put on track a powerful injection of stimuli, ideas, skills and technologies, capable of introducing new sensitivities on several levels to local companies, in terms of organization, creativity, communication, efficiency and last but not least, sustainability. A real challenge, which however comes from afar, or rather from the first experiences of Tarì Industriale, oriented towards design and prototyping at the service of companies, since 1996. Mentor of the Project, strongly desired by the president Vincenzo Giannotti, Prof. Giorgio Ventre, scientific director of the Apple Developer Academy and promoter of an important agreement with the University of Naples Federico II, with which collaborations will soon open on several fronts oriented towards the exchange of skills, technological transfers and sharing of projects. An unmissable opportunity, fully immersed in the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the Tarì, open daily on the market. Tarì's partner in the development phase of the project and the fine-tuning of the operating model is Campania New Steel, a certified incubator promoted by the Idis Foundation - Città della Scienza and the Federico II University of Naples.